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Bas Lammers riders profile
Bas Lammers riders profile
05 april 2017 

Bas Lammers riders profile

Another riders profile of a Sodikart rider. This time we asked Sodikart rider, Bas Lammers some interesting questions.

Bas, how did you get into karting?
I got into karting through a good friend of my father. My father participated in 4×4 offroad where he met his good friend. He asked my dad if I would like to have a look at the karting circuit in Strijen. Then the spark struck. Ever since I’ve been active in karting. I started when I was 6,5 years old.

Is karting a big part of your life?
Karting means everything to me. I wake up and go to bed with it: I live for karting. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I work out every day: It’s my livelihood.

Who is your hero?
There are many great drivers, but two stand out to me: Aryton Senna and Michael Schumacher.

What is your biggest achievement?
My most beautiful achievement was winning the World championship KZ in 2012. This race was very special, because the best drivers from all over the world participated in it. At that moment everything aligned: Luck, the right place, good people around me and the best equipment.

The most special competition was my first world championship title in 2010. Before the competition started, I didn’t know if I should join because my father had died two weeks before. Thanks to a sign from my dad I decided to participate anyways, and we won! Very special.

What do you hope to achieve in the future?
I hope to achieve a lot of good results this year and to bring in a lot of titles with the team! The Sodikart team with TM Motors is very strong. Thanks to VROOAM Lubricants we have a great speed and I hope we can keep on making it difficult for others.

Any advice for kids wanting to become a professional like you?
I want to give kids the advice that if they want to be as good as their idol, or even better, you should go for it with all your heart and life. Dream it, do it!

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